Complaints and The IDRS

We very much hope that you will be happy with your new home and the service you receive from us. In the event that you wish to make a complaint please see our procedures below.

To make a complaint:

Please email with an overview of the issue and timeline.  This will be received and handled by the relevant Department Manager.

  • You should receive an acknowledgement of your email within five working days.
  • Within twenty working days of receipt of the complaint we will reply to the issue raised, giving timescales if applicable and as far as we are able, for additional action.
  • Should you be unable to reach a resolution we would then escalate the matter to the relevant department Director.  The same timescales would apply.
  • At each stage you will be communicated with in a timely manner as laid out above and kept up to date regarding any additional actions.

Please note that these timescales may be affected by office closures, such as over the Christmas period.

If the Complaint becomes a Dispute, you may refer it direct to the Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme (IDRS) or the Home Warranty Body (or both) as appropriate in the following scenarios:

  • If you do not receive any response from ourselves within 20 working days of a Complaint being made
  • If you cannot reach an amicable resolution to the Complaint with ourselves within 56 calendar days of the Complaint being made
  • If the Defective, Faulty or Incomplete Works or issues arising are not resolved within timescales agreed between you and ourselves

Using our Complaints Procedure or the Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme does not affect your normal legal rights. If the issue is not covered by the New Home Warranty, the Home Warranty Body may give you details about the Code’s Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme.

A Dispute may be brought to the Consumer Code’s IDRS after 56 calendar days have passed since you first raised the Complaint with ourselves and no later than 12 months after our final response to the Complaint.

The Consumer Code IDRS applies to complaints made up to two years from the date on the Home Warranty Body’s insurance certificate, which defines the start of the period of cover, about defects or damage caused by a breach of its technical requirements. The Consumer Code does not cover aspects of the home which were purchased as ‘Extras’ or directly via contractors.  This Independent Dispute Resolution Service is available for Home Buyers who believe their builder has failed to meet the Requirements of the Code.

A further Dispute Resolution Service is offered by LABC Warranty for disputes in connection with the construction of the home.  For more information on this see your ‘Home Warranty’ leaflet from your Handover Pack.

Further information about The Consumer Code is also available at

Consumer Code contact details:

Contacts:   0345 608 9797 /

The Consumer Code for new Home Buyers

Find out more about the Consumer Code for Home Buyers and the peace of mind it provides.